Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Tuesday's Writer's Tip Review on 5 Ws and H #BWLAuthor "BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #writing #5 Ws #H

 Just a quick review of the five Ws - Who, What, When, Where, Why and the H, How. These are essentially all the parts of writing a book.

Who means the people in the story, heroes, heroines, villains, secondary characters, minot characters and walk-ons.

What is the characters' goals. Each one had one and they may be different, setting up the conflicts, the togetherness and anything. Minor characters may or may not have a goal. Walk-ons don't.

When is the time of the story. This includes the year, the season, the day and the time of day. Here, the weather may play a role.

Where means the location. Is it rural or urban. Farms, ranches, nillages, towns and cities can play a part. Is it somewhere totally unknown to the reader, a spaceship, a different world. Any where can be described and used.

Why is the reason behing the what. Why does a particular character want a specific thing. The characters' backgrounds, education and other like factors play a role.

Finally the How and this is plot. Plot holds the story together and is a map of how the characters move from the beginning to the ending.

My Places








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