Friday, February 18, 2022

Friday, Amara Dey is visiting and talking about being a Panster or a Plotter #MFRWAuthor #Plotter #Paranormal #Romance


Amara Dey, Author of

NO MERE MORTAL – Decagon book 1

A Paranormal Romance


Hi, I am Amara, and I am a plotter. When I have a story idea in my head, I jot down the outline from beginning to end, then flesh it out with bullet points. After that,  I develop each of those into chapters. Sometimes it’s one chapter per bullet, other times several.


My characters come to me first, though, before the plotting starts. I visualize their physical appearance and know their personality traits. And then I put them in a story. For example, I knew my heroine was human, broken-hearted, and a Salsa dancer in No Mere Mortal. And I decided her story would be to find true love with my bad-boy hero, have great sex, and a rollicking good adventure to boot. Complete with magical fights and monsters.


Then the creative juices flow.


At the moment, I am editing Decagon book 2. For me, this is the hardest part of the writing process. It’s tedious but necessary, and I grit my teeth and plod on. My hero in book two is my heroine’s best friend in No Mere Mortal. And he is a gorgeous Salsa dance instructor. I already knew him, and then I sent him on his own sexy, romantic escapade.


Dance features in all three of the Decagon novels. It is, after all, an activity I love. But my home city, London, England, and Cuba, also figure in this series.


These days I have the luxury of writing every day. When Covid came, my work contract ended due to Covid cutbacks. As you can imagine, that hit me hard, financially and mentally, and I had a massive wobble. I couldn’t write for months. I just couldn’t face it. But eventually, I pulled myself up, dusted myself off, took early retirement, and now I spend my days writing. And reading, and watching TV, and Zumba workouts, and I hope to return to Salsa classes and travel.


Please look me up on social media at


And before I go, on the subject of reading, while I love saucy paranormal romance, I also enjoy murder mysteries. And my favorite author is James Patterson. I am currently engrossed in the Women’s Murder Club series that he writes. And I am on book 19. LOL. These ladies kick ass down here on good old Mother Earth, and I admire his characters. And they probably inspired me to a certain degree to write about strong women who aren’t afraid to put monsters down. 





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