Monday, August 28, 2017

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor #poem #writing

Meander 1  Poem - The Meeting

Did you share the same feelings as I.
A sort of anti-climax.
Excitement filled me deep and thoroughly
Until the journey ended.
And then I saw your face so calm.
I wondered what was hidden.
You took my bag and said hello.
We went into the day.

Meander 2 - The One-Armed Writer. I wonder if this is a companion to a one armed bandit. Hardly since there is a chance with you grasp that arm you will be rewarded. Not the former. Writing one-handed works but typing and getting dressed poses a few problems. I do hope this problem will go away. Not for while since i was told to wear this rad black brace for two weeks and one has not yet passed.

Meander 3 - Writing - Still working on Sweet Tea. Two more drafts to complete. Granddaughter is helping iwth the typing so that's a help.

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