Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday - Guests and Interviews #MFRWauthor

Sine this is the end of the year, I thought I would just look back at the Interviews and Guests who have ventured forth on Fridays to grace this blog.

This year, many of the guests spoke about what they were before they became an author. There were a variety of careers and some of the authors had a number of careers and wrote while they were working at their careers. Some of the guests spoke about how they create their characters and about writing.

I find this much fun to have these interviews for I learn a lot about different writers. Some are my favorites and some are new to me but either way I discover new books to read and new experiences.

If you're interested in finding some of the interviews when you visit the site, scroll down to the end and look at older posts. These interviews and Guests will be found listed there.

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