Monday, June 6, 2022

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Reading #Writing #Thoughts

 Meander 1 - Reading - Spent last week reading several authors from my reading past Dick Francis - two of his horse centered mysteries and enjoyed both. The books from my publisher arrived and so far I've read and enjoyed two. Phoebe Fisher a Regency with a twist. Though the hero is ton and inherits an estate gone to ruin, the heroine is the daughter of a wealthy farmer. The story was delightful and there is a mystery involving his service in the navy in India.  Also read Eileen Charbonneau's Missing at Harmony Festival - an interesting mystery when I learned many things about native American customs. Nice nysters with a grand solution.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - Today, my thougts are about my front yeard. The area is in full bloom. From the white dogwood tree to the peonies and roses the colors are stunning. The dogwood though was supposed to grow to around ten feet is about thirty feet and the white are green are great. The peonies range in color from white to dark read and there is a yellow one. This year we planted about tenor more new ones and are aiming for a peony hedge from the sidewalk to the porch. Will take eyars to establish. The roses are mostly reds but there are some purple, yellow and white. They front the porch and the sides. 

Meander 3 - Writing - The rough draft is going well and am blocking in Chapter 7. There are four more to go after that. Then will come the fun of filling in and reading to see what i'm missing. I chuckle in critique when one of my partners wants me to cut and condense somethings. I know when I rewrite, I will be expanding in these areas. But that's the way I write. The rough draft is mainly getting plot down. Then I must do settings, and characters in future drafts.

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