Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Tuesday's Writer's Tip - Exposition - Enough or Too much #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Exposition #Enough #Too Much

Now we come to the writer and look at when it's enough or too much. You've developed this world and you're enamoured of what you've developed. So you begin gushing and putting every detail you've discovered. The prose goes on for pages and the reader begins to skip pages. I once had to judge an entry for a contest with the first chapter of the story. Thirty pages later I still hadn't found a bitof what the story was about. The first chapter told of a deive along the coast with every feature described. Needless to say I wasn't impressed.

Not only was the description of that ride tedious, the author jumped in to give her own viewpoint with small asides that still told me nothing about the story. Leaving out the personal comments would have cut the descriptive passages down. That would have helped but describing the route taken in detail and living color read more like an excerpt from a travel article. 

The trick is to for the author to keep out of the story. That's one thing. The other is to use the setting no matter how spectacular in having the characters react to the setting. Revealing the story with the impact of the research on the hcaracters is a plus and probably a must. So when writing passages of prose keep them short, related to the character's reactions and also enter the characters' heads and show rather than tell the impact on their lives.



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