Monday, March 15, 2021

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Reading #Writing #Thoughts - the bill signed

 Meander 1 - Reading - Read a number of books last week. Final Response - E R Yatscoff - What a great read and if you like tension galore this is the book for you. During the story, the tension grew so much I was dancing in my chair. Great book. Hester Dymock - Victoria Chatham - one of the best Regency romances I've read for a long time. The hero as a patient kept me chuckling. The small hits of humor make this a book to remember. All That Shines - Diane Bator - a great mystery with the murder of a character who seemed to deserve what he received. Enjoyed all the little fashion details. A Traditional Affair - Joanie MacNeil - a nice romance with one of the mist alpha heros I've encountered for a long time with some interesting twists. That's it forthe week.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - The bill that passed. I am so glad the bill passed for the COVID relief and that people who deserve money and help will receive it. I probably won't receive any money but that's all right. I'm glad for the people whs will. What bothers me is the men and women who did not vote to pass it. Seems to me they're cowards and I sure hope their base understands how they have been dissed by these poplitical leaders who care only for the rich and have no concern for the poor and the middle-class.

Meander 3 - Writing - I am well past the halfway mark on the current draft of Haunted Dreams and an finally getting the time line to behave. Sometimes I had to laugh. In one scene I had the ambulance arrive and in the next scene it arrived part way into the scene. The next draft will smooth out the added passages and do all the little things in formatting to make the book shine. Looking forward to next month when I should finish. 


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