Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Tuesday's Writer's Tip - Revision - Pacing #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Revision #Pacing

 There are a number of elements in pacing. One is the pacing for the entire book and the other is pacing within a scene. Pacing for the book depends on the genre you're writing. Most mysteries especially those with suspense in the mix are much faster paced than other story. The pacing of a story in romance can be leisurely or fast, depending on what's happening in the story. The object of pacing is to pull the reader from scene to scene.

The pacing in scenes depends on what type of scene you're writing. The pace of an action scene is usually fast while the pacing on scenes that are mainly descriptive can move at a slower pace. Also the pacing in a scene can depend on the characters. Some characters call for moving slow, others for fast rapid scenes. Scenes with a majority of dialogue tend to be faster paced. So make sure your pacing is on target for a scene.

I belong to a critique group where there are some writers who write beautifully but they tend to bog down the reader in details so the pacing drags. The others like me are so eager to get the story down, they dash ahead and must be told to remember important things.

So when you're doing that final revision, look at the following things. The opening takes forever and is bogged down by putting in things that could be included later in dialogue, either external or internal. Those vital action scenes are either too slow or too fast. Usually the latter seems to be the problem. Look at your balance between showing and telling. Sometimes telling can put a few facts in like bullets where showing could take pages and pages.

So read your stories that final time and make sure the pacing fits what is happening in the scene and the entire book.

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