Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Tuesday's Writer's Tip -- Revision - Length #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Reviaion #Length

 The length of a novel is important in several wasy. When you've finished your rough draft or first draft checking for length is important. Too long and the reader may get bored. I once read a novel for a contest and was ready to scream. The author literally put in every instant that happened in the story. The story took place over a month. I read about 30 breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Since I had to score the story for the contest, I had to read but I'll admit after a couple of meals, I skimmed those scenes hoping to glean something that was important to the story. Another book I read had a description of a drive along a California coastal road that went on for one chapter of 50 pages. Too much scenery and little story. This was the opening chapter of the book.

When you're checking for length, look for repeated scenes, repeated events and lengthy descriptions. These can be condensed or completely omitted.

Now we come to too short. I am guilty of this. I'm working on a novel that will be 50,000 words but my rough draft came to 19,000 words. There were scenes I had to write in full and other scenes that weren't complete. I often forgot to put in scenery details and other things. Several times I didn't include information the reader needed to know because it was evident to me. 

When you're checking for length, be sure to make sure all the reader needs to know is in the story. An editor in my very early days of writing wrote that while she liked the characters and the idea for the story "Characters do not exist in a vacuum. Show the reader where they are." I try not to forget this but at times I do when I'm in a rush to get the story down.

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