Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tuesday's Writer's Tip - Revision Show or Tell #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Revising #Show #Tell #amwriting

A good story has both show and tell used to make the story complete.  Just what is meant by those terms. Telling is descriptions of people, places and things. If a story were all scenes that were mostly action and dialogue the story would move too rapidly and not give the reader a place to look at more than what's happening. Showing is expressed in scenes and interactive between two or more people. Having too much of one or the other makes the book fall flat. Knowing which to use is important.

Telling - descriptions, internal dialogue or knowing what a character is thinking, what happens between scenes showing how people get from one scene to the next.  Now there can be problems here. The description of a place, person or thing can go on for paragraph after paragraph and bore the reader. Too much of the story could be shown through internal dialogue. Or one instead of showing the scene cops out and just uses telling.

Showing is action and interaction. Show is what happens between two characters. Tell would be John and Mary had a fight. She left in tears. That tells. Show would play out the scene is full. But there can be a problem with show. One fight scene between two characters might be effective but five or six gets the reader no where.

Finding a balance between show and tell is hard to obtain but once you realize what each brings to the story, you will manage to do both in your story.

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