Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tuesday's Writer's tip Revision #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Writing #Revision

You've finished the book and come to the end but you haven't. Many writers dead this part of writing but there are some things that can help you. Actually I enjoy revision and spend weeks on the process. I print out the entire book and settle down with a pen and read, stopping to make comments,. There are things like. You cheated. This scene needs to be expanded. Trite. Make this section better. There are also remarks like Expand, Emotions, Setting. This is the time to fine tune the story to make it the best thing you've ever written. You may succeed or not but the trick is to try.

For me printing the book out gives me an advantage besides being able to sit in my recliner and work rather than sitting at the computer. Doing this gives a different look than working on the screen.

Once I have the pages with dozens of penciled or written in ink comments, I sit down and rewrite each chapter. What I keep telling myself. Your words are not written in stone. That's one of the tricks to revision. Remembering, you can slash those words away and put in ones that are better. But there other things to think about when revising and in the next few weeks, I'll be helping you make revision into a fun game that you can win.

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1 comment:

  1. I agree with you revision is so important.

    It makes a hot mess readable.

