Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tuesday's Writer's Tip Drafts and Revision #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Refision #Drafts

I am a draft writer, doing maybe five to eight drafts of a book. There are some reasons this works for me.
       !. I want to get the whole story down as fast as I can.
       2. I want to have the time later to look at each segment of the story and make it shine.

Let's look at some of the advantages of this kind of story reading. Having the rough draft gives you a place to start. For me at least while the basic story remains the same, there are changes made in subsequent drafts of the stories.

Some of the advantages of draft writing and revision can be psychological in nature. "It's only a draft and putting down the ideas is all right. The story can make sense later.

Keeping the excitement and energy that went into that rough draft on subsequent drafts is a must if you're going ot choose this way.

Doing drafts is a great way to discover where the story is headed. In one of the subsequent drafts there can be that aha moment and the draft moves ahead.

The rough draft allows you to see where you've been and where you are going in the story.

The rough draft allows for experimentation and adventures in the writing of the story.

The time between drafts allows for thought, further development and changes.

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