Monday, May 18, 2020

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Reading #Writing #Covid vaccine

Meander 1 - I have returned to reading again Ann Mc Caffrey's Pern series. I do so love dragons and enjoyed this series in the past and again.

Meander 2 - Covid Vaccine - Everyone may not agree with me and that's find. As a nurse, I believe in vaccines but I don't believe in taking one that hasn't been proven and without knowing the side effects that can be as bad or worse than the disease. I heard the mumps vaccine took four years to develop and prove. I am concerned about a rapid giving of something that hasn't been extensively tested.

Meander 3 - Writing - Still working on Tangled Dreams's complete rewrite. I'm really disappointed on how much I've needed to develop that in past drafts I rather ignored. My critique group will be pleased that I'm looking closely at emotions and settings in this revision. Hopefully I'll finish before the due date. 4 more chapters to clean up.

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