Monday, May 11, 2020

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Reading #Thoughts #Writing

Meander 1 _ Reading - Last week I read Barbara Baldwin's Dreamcatcher and Trisha McGill's Annie's Choice. Both are historical. One takes place in Australia and the other in Montana. I'm also back now to Ann McCaffrey's Dragon series. I'll be reading them until I have some new books from my publisher to read or discover some new books that intrigue me.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - The phone survey - Years ago, my husband and I went to the Nathan Kline Institute here in Rockland to play some games. They were doing these with the elderly and I really enjoyed them. Lists of words and then later see how many you remembered. Then games of dexterity. Somewhere I have those results since they sent them to me and I will say I scored high on both. This was a questionare about live under Covid 19. They had done younger people and decided to do older ones. As I told them I was probably not a good one since I've done much little different than I had while there was no epidemic but I answered questions. Who knows where I scored but there were times when the young interviewer and I agreed on a number of things. The talks about death didn't bother me. Though I would prefer to live forever, I know that someday I will die. She mentioned if people are ever released from prison, I could be called back to do more of the game days. I would really enjoy that.

Meander 3 - Writing - I am halfway through the total rewrite where I fill in all the blanks I left, expand or subtract on some of the scenes. Mostly it's expand since I tend to be a tight writer in the rough drafts. Going well and I'm praying this will be done before June 1. Hopefully much sooner.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Janet. Congratulations re: being so on top of your writing project deadline. What a feat at this time!! We just moved so I'm only on top of still unopened boxes, and adjusting to having a 24/7 retired husband. I would have to tell your interviewer that I am saddened by the deaths because they are so close at hand, including people at church coping with loss and others recuperating after a period of fear for their outcomes. Otherwise I watch with a researcher's eye, but a human heart. Stay safe. Please. Alice Orr
