Monday, December 16, 2019

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Needlepoint - Poem #Writing

Meander 1 -- Poem -- Needlepoint --

We used to sit in the bar's dark corner
Embroidered plots and foolish schemes. Stitched bright
Pictures in life-tone tints. Exuberant points
Of laughter sewed on canvas, plans for change
Our chosen yearn harmonized in growing
Patterns on the tapestry we held.

Again in the bar, conspirators sit. One sews
In colors vibrant and new. The other
draws yarn faded and grayed. You sit apart.
We gather close. Our laughter sends needles
Of bright colored thread to fill our canvas.
Impossible dreams we stitch as we plot.

From your eyes jab sliver glares like silver
Needles that stitch needlepoint. Draw muted
Strands of gray tinted yarn where bright colors
Once formed growth tapestries. Madam Defarge
Grown old with her eyes on the guillotine..
She watches heads roll, her canvas unchanged.

Meander 2 - Christmas stockings -- I'm in the process of filling stockings for children and grandchildren. I really enjoy doing this but this year I'm rather slow. Having their father and grandfather in the hospital and now rehab makes concentration on the coming holiday difficult. At least we now know he'll come home on Christmas Eve and all will be well again, I hope. So stockings will be filled, cookies bakes and the tree up and trimmed.

Meander 3 -- Writing - Have one chapter of the new story blocked out. There are eleven more to see to but that will come in time. So far it's going well but I'm sure by the time I have the entire book rough drafted I'll find a lot of blanks to fill in.

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