Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Wednesday Havens Book 2 Affinities More of the characters #MFRWHooks #BWLAuthor #Fantasy #Affinities

Havens (Affinities Book 2 - Young Adult fantasy, Books We Love)

Join the authors at #MFRWHooks here  for some great excerpts Mine is a fantasy for all ages and showing more of the characters,

The four teens, led by the mysterious birds they believe are their parents seek a place of safety where they can learn to control their affinities. They find a place of refuge with Doma Jandia, grandmother of their friend Zand. The doma plans to take them to the highlands but news of the capture of two of their friends by Dom Senet, sends them on a rescue mission. Their powers are not strong enough to defeat the evil dom. They must find a way to succeed or their friends will be corrupted forever.
2019 Book Hooks

Excerpts : New Characters

Alizand prowled about his bed chamber.  He paused beside the window and pushed the heavy draperies aside.  Another day of confinement.  Since the day his step-brothers had invaded the suite, forcing Alizand to reveal his affinity for Fire, he’d been a prisoner. 
     At least the guards at the door believed he couldn’t leave.  They didn’t know about the hidden sections and the secret rooms and passages to be found beyond the walls.  Though Alizand could slip away, he should wait until night lest his room be checked.  Dom Senet often made random visits during the day.  Only when Alizand’s personal guard appeared could he escape these chambers. The corridors and places he could go had to be kept secret. 
     He was bored.  He even missed the tedious lessons he’d been given by the clan elders during the short time he’d been acknowledged as his father’s heir.  Having his affinity exposed had ended the dream of being deemed fit to become a prince.  No one who could use one or all of the elements could rule the princedom of Wesren


Valcon pulled a knit cap low to hide his hair and wrapped a scarf so his mouth and nose were covered.  He opened the door of the stone house and peered across the barren garden.  Only a skim of snow lay on the ground.  The weather had been strange this winter.  The heavy snowfall that had aided his friends’ escape had melted.  Since that day only flurries had fallen.  He’d heard the farms in the northern section of the princedom had experienced one storm after another.  The bitter cold made him shiver.  Leaving the warmth of the house hadn’t been his idea.  Svana’s begging to visit Cook for sweets had finally pushed him to the door.
     He checked to see the little girl was bundled before he lifted the basket of fruit and vegetables that had been gleaned from the growing house this morning.  Svana danced outside ahead of him.
     “Hurry, Valcon.”  She used her heavy stick as a sword.  Finchon and Larkea waited near the wall.  Larkea pressed the stones in the proper sequence and a segment of the wall slid inward.
     “Do you have the list?”  Valcon asked.
     “In my head,”  Larkea said.

My Places

Buy Mark


  1. Alizand's boredom will surely lead to mischief, right?

  2. You've got me worried for Valcon's safety. I hope this sortee for sweets isn't fatal.
