Monday, August 3, 2015

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor #amediting

Meander 1 - I do not drink green juice. This seems to be the new fad but to me it looks sickening. I've been known to drink green tea. The beverage is refreshing and perhaps good for your health. I've eaten green ice cream. Lime sherbet is great. Green key lime pie is one of my favorites. I've even eaten green potatoes on St. Patrick's day. Green vegetables are among my favorites. Broccoli, and asparagus are eaten with relish, just not pureed into some kind of juice. I've even enjoyed fried green tomatoes. I might be tempted to eat green eggs and ham. I read that story often enough to children and grandchildren to be tempted. But drinking green juice isn't my glass of anything I would enjoy.

Meander 2 - The tale of two books. I'm a reader and enjoy almost everything but horror. I've been reading two books by one author. The first book had me closing shop on it after reading the first five chapters. The reason there seemed to be nothing happening and I was bored. I opened the second book figuring I would read not much more. What I found was a different story, one that kept me turning the pages wanting to read until the book was finished. What made the difference. The first was a character I could identify with and the second an intriguing plot. The characters from the first book didn't interest me. And after five chapters I had no idea what the plot was going to be. That was an interesting idea and made me thing it probably applies to my own writing. Some of my books pull the reader along while others leave them sleeping. Something needs to improve.

Meander 3 - Have the edits back for Divided Dreams but I'm holding off for a day or two since my publisher says there's no hurry. So I'm pushing to get ahead with the typing of Wizards rough draft so I won't get too far ahead on the second draft. Love the way the story is going. Lots of action and adventure, at least I hope so. Am thinking about the fourth Opposites In Love and may have a good idea of the opening scene. Love giving heroines problems right on the opening and this one is going to be a real one. Back to doctors and nurses for this one and friends thrown in, too.


  1. I have a green juice drink I love. :) Best of luck on with your edits, Janet.

  2. Thanks for visiting. I was having a bit of fun.
