Monday, September 13, 2010

My Writing Life The week in review

I'm busily working on Confrontations the YA fantasy that will finish that adventure. Have four sections in the works and soon I'll have all the segments in order.

Saturday was a big day mostly good but little writing achieved. I started the morning by reading the following email. Started my day off with a smile.

Dear Janet,

I wanted to let you know that I finished reading Warrior of Bast and loved it! It was great fun to read about this very different world. Their struggles with little food and the harsh desert environment helped create a world I was drawn into from the start. Of course I wanted the Hero and Heroine to get together a little quicker, but I understand why they couldn't — added another level of tension to the story! I really enjoyed the section when they are in the Valley searching for the symbols. It had a very cool Indiana Jones sort of feel to it with the hidden snakes and scorpions. So fun! Thanks for the great read!

Heather Thurmeier

It's so nice to read when someone likes what you've read. When Heather sells I'll be right in line to buy her books. That's one of the ways it works.

Back to Saturday. Was meeting day for HVRWA and it's always great to meet writing friends. Had two new people, one published and one not. Hopefully the group will continue to grow. After lunch with some of my friends from the group I went to Home Depot to order the front and side doors for the house. Arrived there at two thirty and never reached home until a bit after four. Don't ask but frustration was a bit much. Then I went on line to research some ISBNS on two books and found The Mistress of The Moons was already up for the Kindle and also I believe the Nook. Rather got sideswiped there but I really love Vanilla Heart as a publisher. Have some other books I want to send them but I must write them first. I need seventy hours in every day. Does anyone know where I could find them?


  1. When you find them, please let me know.

    Also...please let me know if I can bill for them.

  2. Janet:What a great idea to do a weekly recap of your writing life.

  3. And don't be shocked if I start doing it on my blog I -lol

  4. Copy you all you want. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.

  5. Janet! Glad I helped to start your Saturday off on the right foot. We should all have Saturdays that start like that! I look forward to the sequel...
