Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Inspiration -- What inspires you?

I've finished gleaning things that inspired me from John Gardner's Becoming a Novelist choosing things I read many years ago. This week I was going to start writing about Bird by Bird and found I loaned my copy to someone. I don't remember who and so instead, I've decided to ask this question. What or who inspieres you?

I do receive inspiration form many other places than in books and I still have a few more to explore with you as sources of inspiration. But I thought of other people I'd like to speak about. Jane Toombs a co-author for one book and probably a second. This one is not non-fiction. Jane sold my first book in a long dry spell, take ten years when she spoke to her editor about an older woman book I had come up with. The editor liked the idea and asked for a synopsis an. And bought the book on a one page story line bit. Another person who has inspired me is Karen Wiesner who runs a promo group I'm in and has edited several of my stories for anthologuies. Karen has a lot of books under her belt and has some non-fiction books with Writer's Digest.

Other sources of inspiration are my writing groups, critique partners, the online groups I belong to and there are more of those than I care to count. Also I have to count several editors who like everything I write. So who and what are yours?

1 comment:

  1. I get inspired by books about writing, such as Stephen King's On Writing, and I also get inspired when I read some really good fiction. It makes me want to sit down and write!
