Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday - Laura Strickland is Visiting and talking about writing



What Were You Before

Day 1


1. What were you before you became an author? Did this influence your choices as a writer?

Before I was a writer, I was a reader, and this has influenced me enormously. Being fortunate enough to have an older sister who loved to read and who took me weekly to our local library, I learned at a young age to enter that world the author had created for me and become lost in a story. There was only one problem—when a story I loved came to an end, I wanted more, longed for more, and imagined more. By third grade, I figured out that if I wrote the story, it could go on for as long as I chose.

A little of all the stories I loved and the beautiful words that went into them became part of me and encouraged me to form ideas and worlds of my own. At a very fundamental level, we are what we read!


2. Are you genre specific or general? I don’t mean major genres but subdivisions of romance, mystery or paranormal.

I tend to be what I call a genre-hopper. I’ve written a variety of major and subdivisions of various genres, such as Western, Victorian, Highlander, Viking, Steampunk (all subdivisions of Historical Romance) and Contemporary/Rom Com. I think I do this because I begin feeling stifled if I write the same genre over and over again. Then the words don’t flow, so I begin something fresh. My latest release is an American Historical Romance, also a division of the Historical Romance genre.



3. What is your latest release?

My latest release is an American Historical, Slow Train to Nowhere: Sean. This is the first in a series of four books telling the stories of five children who came west on the orphan train in 1860, and ended up in the fictional town of Clabber Mills, Indiana. The stories take place when the children are grown, and show how they deal with the scars left by loss and separation, and of course find hope for their futures. Here’s the blurb:

When Sean Hussey returns to the town where he lived as a boy, it’s with revenge on his mind. He’s made a success of himself out west and intends to get even with the farmer under whose thumb he once suffered. He’ll show mercy only to the others who shared his fate in days gone by, especially sweet Jenny whose memory he still cherishes.

Sarah Rupert hasn’t had it easy growing up as a girl from the orphan train, and as a survivor of shocking abuse. Since the death of her husband, she’s had to support her young son by dubious means. When Sean Hussey comes back into her life it’s a miracle, because he’s the boy she always wanted for her own. Trouble is, Sean just may be in love with another woman.




4. What are you working on now?

I am currently working on a Historical Romance series set in the ancient Celtic world, which is one of my favorite places to be. I’ve delved way back to Ireland in the first century AD for the first book. The other four will be set in various ages of historical Scotland.


5. Does your reading choices influence your choice of a writing career?

Absolutely. I love to read far and wide, everything from Historical Fiction to Romantic Suspense, to Urban Fiction, to Mystery, to Young Adult. I even enjoy a good biography from time to time. What I’m reading at any given time depends on the mood I’m in. Since I love to write far and wide also, I do believe there’s a connection.



6. Where can we find you?

Author Web site:

Author Facebook:

Author Amazon page:

Author Goodreads page:

Author Twitter:

Laura Strickland Author @LauraSt05038951


BookBub author page

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