Monday, April 15, 2024

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Reading #Writing #Thoughts

 Meander 1 - Reading - Reading more slowly these days since I'm going to bed earlier. I'll be back to full energy soon. Reading Helen Henderson's latest. Now there are two dragons and one woman who can become a dragon. Seems one dragon is the villain. The way people react when they see a dragon even when it's helping makes me wonder how things were years ago. There are two love affairs happening and one with a heroine who is a healer still needing to be trained, Interesting interactions between people, especially one at least was considered a bad guy but turns out to have changed.

Meander 2 - Thoughts. I'm thinking of writing a letter to the editor. For several years my memories have been blasted into the past. I'll be 88 this summer. Seventy years after my eighteenth birthday, I became a student nurse, My first patients made me realize how unfair the world was to women. One was about 30and had eleven children. One was maybe fifteen and had been sexually molested by her grandfather for years. The reason they were patients were they were dying because one tried to abort herself and the other had an illegal abortion. The things I remember the most was the silence in the room and the odor that made me gag. I also remember the doctor answer my question. "Couldn't we do something?" He nodded. "We could." "Why not?" "I would be in jail. Abortions are illegal." He also told me that desperate women would find ways legal  or not to abort children. When Roe vs Wade passed, the nagging memories receeded. They were awakened when the Supreme Court undid that great happening for women and has grown worse since the Arizona decision. May god have pity on the souls of the men who want to see women in chains and to know that no matter how conceived their seed will grow to do the same thing to other women.

Meander 3 - Recieved the cover to my next book which is in the rough draft. Must get buys with the tyoping on the last fantasy and see what i can do with it.

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