Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Keltoi - The other three #MFRWHooks #BWLAuthor #Romantasy #paranormal #Warrior, #Healer #Seer

 Join the authors at #MFRWHooks here for some great excerpts/ Mine is found at and may or may not complete the series.

Two friends have been tested and are acclaimed as a Healer and a Seer. Now the friend who will be the Warrior faces her test. When she succeeds the three travel through a tunnel and down to the lakeside believing they will be sent to an Isle where three crystals stand, one red, one blue and one green. Instead they are told they are part of the Three and three and must find the others.

Three brothers separated as soon as one of them reaches the age of five. They were taken by their father, Prime Voice of Midra in Keltoi. They have all displeased him and have been punished. They escape from their different prisons and must find their way.

Each of the meetings between the two warriors, the two Healers and the Two Seers is an adventure that binds them together. As Three and Three, they must meet the enemy and win.


Keon sat on a bench in the salle. He held the sword he had forged in the smithy across his knees. He waited for his turn to be tested and be named a swordsman. He held back a groan. Six times in the past six months, he had been tested and each time his blade had failed. The seventh trial would see his dreams fulfilled or not. If his sword snapped again, he would be forced to leave the Citadel. What would he do then?

Tension gripped his body. His neck stiffened and every muscle felt locked. He watched the first bout begin. When this one finished, there were eight before his. He glanced at the others waiting young men. He heard their mutters of encouragement and saw them silently applaud a good move. The others of his group had formed bonds to each other. Head none. The first reason he had been ignored was because Prime voice was his father. The others believed that relationship gave him advantages. How wrong they were. His father had never shown more than cold courtesy to his son.

Keon stared at the stone floor. His thoughts drifted to the days before his fifth birthday. Once he’d had two brothers. The first had been born just minutes after him. The second had been a year younger. They had shared a small house in the forest with an elderly couple as their guardians. They had never seen their mother. Their father’s visits had been inspections and lectures. Prime Voice had studied them with cold ide eyes. There’s had been green and in Prime Voice’s opinion improper.

As he relived those days of companionship sadness flooded his thoughts. There had been three until he and his twin had reached their fifth year. Prime Voice had taken them away leaving the youngest behind. For a brief time during the trip he and his twin had had each other. He’d been taken to the Citadel. He had no idea where his twin had gone.

Shudders shook his body so violently her nearly dropped the sword. The strong pain of that separation rocked him. He couldn’t recall his brothers’ faces. Their names had vanished in the depths of time. Did they still live? Were they facing their own tests?

A stir occurred among those seated in the stands. He turned his head in unison with the other candidates. Four remained beside himself. The bouts must have happened while he’d been lost in the past.

He behallowed lip when he saw the reason for the disturbance. Prime Voice had arrived. The tall, skeletal man dressed in a black silk robe stood at the railing of the center balcony. With a swirl of robe, he sat and grasped the railing. Keon’s stomach lurched. The steady gaze of the ice eyes brought anxiety rocketing.

Four more bouts ended with each of the candidates scoring a touch or a disarmament. Keon rose. Forcing memories of his six defeats aside, he strode to the center of the arena.

Keon’s hands shook and he gulped deep breaths of air. He raised his sword to salute the Swordmaster. Je clasped the hilt n recalled the day he’d forged the blade. The heat of the fire, the pounding of the hammer and the clank of metal on metal. With one finger, he traced the edge remembering the days of work. he’d used seven rasps to sharpen the edge.

With a sudden shock, images of the six failed swords rose. All had fractured during the tests. With each new one he had changed the blend of metals. He prayed this time he had made the proper mixture.

With his sword held high, he strode to the center of the salle floor. The Swordmaster waited. He thrust fear aside and clung to hope. He dare not glance at the balcony where Prime Voice sat. He infused confidence into his stride and thoughts. When he reached the center, he faced the older man/ Th e gesture was returned. The swords touched and a metallic click filled the air.

As the bout began, Keon felt a rush of confidence. He moved with smooth strokes to counter the Swordmaster’s attempts for a touch. His feeling he might win strengthened. Twich he can close to disarming the older man, Keon wanted to laugh. This time was his.

“Don’t think to win.” The voice e heard nearly caused him to stumble. Why had Prime Voice tried to distract him. Let me be. He sent that thought toward his father pouring anger to speed the words. With ease he regains his balance and attacked.

Keon met the Swordmaster’s blade and nearly send the man’s sword flying. The two blades clashed and slithered apart. Then disaster struck. The hilt separated from the blade. Metal clattered on the stone floor.

“No.” His cry filled the salle. His spirits sagged. Once more he had failed. With bowed head, he faced the Swordmaster.

“You cane close,” the older man said. “You know how to forge a blade. That is good. You fight with skill and grace but your chances have ended. I have no idea what Prime Voice will decide.”

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