Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Cancer Capricorn Connection is featured with Thursday's Opening Scene #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Romance #Medical #astrological #hidden child

 Cate Rollins stood in the sun-filled kitchen of the house she’d rented and opened another box. The cheery yellow walls and the dark oak cabinets made the large room seem cozy. Yesterday she and her daughter had arrived in mid-afternoon and blessed her friend for leaving most of the furniture. She’d brought little of the battered furniture from the apartment.

The sound of children’s laughter flowed through the open window. Moments after their arrival, the swing set had been delivered and assembled. The August afternoon had been cool, a welcome change from the past week’s brutal heat.

As she placed dishes on the shelves of the cabinets she hoped the return to Eastlake to take charge of the newly established Rehab Center had been the right move. Since her mother’s death when Maddie had turned two, Cate’s life had been filled with work, school and raising her child. Now she had returned to the town where she’d attended college. Four of her closest friends had settled here and she believed their presence was a plus. They’d come to the house to help her settle in.

“Where do you want this?” Lauren, owner of the house, held a wok, the metal blackened from use.

Cate pointed to a hook on the wall above the gleaming stove. “Here is good. Maddie and I make stir fry often, especially the chicken cashew recipe you taught the Gang.”

Lauren laughed. “Do you make as much?”

“I’ve managed to cut the recipe down so we only have to eat it for a day or two.” She folded an empty box.

“That’s still my only dish. Thank heavens I’ve a housekeeper who’s a marvelous cook.”

“Thanks for letting me rent your house while I look for one.”

“Don’t be in a rush to buy.” Lauren winked. “Both Liz and I found our happy-ever- afters here. You could be next. There are several new doctors arriving soon.”

Cate closed her eyes lest her friend see the sorrow and anger ever present in her thoughts. She’d lost her chance for a full life when he’d left ten minutes after the graduation ceremony ended without a goodbye. She hadn’t been able to tell him about the pregnancy and she’d been too angry to call him.

“I’m content without a man in my life.” She smiled. “Maddie is great company.”

“She won’t be with you forever.”

“I know but right now I’m content.”

Lauren walked to the kitchen door. “What a great swing set. I’m glad you found someone to set it up. Keeps the kids from trying to help.”

“Bought it in town yesterday morning and the set up was part of the price.” Cate joined her friend. She studied the massive structure. There were swings, a seesaw, and an overhead grill for climbing with a play house on the opposite side from the slide. “Maddie picked this two years ago. Wouldn’t fit in a city apartment.”

Lauren touched Cate’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I never heard about your mother’s death. Mail was often lost as I wandered from country to country.”

“Don’t feel bad about not knowing.” Cate turned from the door. “The kitchen is in order. I wonder how the others are doing?”

Lauren laughed. “Liz is organized and efficient. About Megan and Jenessa, think chaos. One will undo what the other has done. Megan wants color coordination. Jenessa just wants to finish.”

A picture of her two friends formed. “Megan will have a good time finding towels that match.” A sound caused her to turn.

Liz stepped into the room. “Dining room and study are done. Books are shelved. Do you ever read for fun?”

“Seldom. I do watch television with Maddie.” Cate opened the refrigerator and pulled out a platter and two pitchers. “Time for a break. Call the others while I pour lemonade for the children. Take the tea and glasses to the porch.” She went to the door. “Snack time,” she called.

Maddie dashed inside. Three boys followed. “Brownies.”

“One each. We’ll soon be going out for lunch.”

“Are we going to that hot dog place you’re always talking about?” Maddie’s green eyes, the only feature inherited from her mother, glowed with pleasure. “Can’t wait.” She offered the plate to her new friends.

My Places



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