Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Meet One with an Earth Affinity #MFRWHooks #BWLAuthor #Fantasy #air #water #earth #fire #twins

Join the authors at #MFRWHooks here  for some great excerpts. Meet one with an Earth Affinity at from Escape is mine


Two sets of halfling twins, Ashlea, Brandien, Jaydren and Kylandra sent away from their home by their parents to protect them from trouble, search for mentors to teach them how to use their affinities.

During the escape, they face many problems forcing them to use their affinities by trial and error. They also meet Alizand, the son of the ruling prince of Wesren. Zand has an affinity for Fire and this will keep him from gaining the rule.

Dom Senet, an advisor to his father, and once a friend of the quartet’s parents suspects Zand’s affinity. He wishes to corrupt the teen and use him to gain control of the four princedoms of the land and of the highlands. The evil dom has all four affinities. The four must reach a secret place and find teachers before the evil man discovers them


Jay waited until Ash had Ky on her back before he rose and began to tap the way along the path. His thoughts drifted to his parents. Surely by working together, they were stronger than the Dom who walked the road to darkness. What was happening at the henge? Bran had seen the first wall fall. Had the other walls been breached? Would they see Mama and Papa again? They’d said so and he would hold onto that promise.

Just beyond him, there seemed to be a wall. He tapped the tip of the staff against the blockage. Inch by inch, he moved through the dense fog. Suddenly, the light of the sun blinded him.

“Jay, where are you,” Ash and Bran called.

“I’m out of the illusion.” He turned and thrust his staff into the mist. “Grab the end.” He felt a tug on the staff. He walked backwards. Like corks being drawn from a bottle, his siblings appeared. He slumped against the stones.

Ash moved past him. “Up, Jay. ‘Tis not far now.” She paused. “I smell smoke, men and beasts.”


“On the grasslands beyond the mesa wall.”

“Can they see us?” Bran pulled Jay to his feet. “Have they found the ponies and the supplies?”

“Let’s find out.” After letting Bran and Jay take her sister, she picked her way around the rocks to an opening in the palisade.

They emerged into a box canyon. Jay looked around with interest. A group of ponies grazed on the browning grass. At the far end, water tumbled over rocks into a stone basin. He noticed a fire circle. Where were the promised supplies? He lowered Ky to the ground.

“Where are the things they said would be here?” Jay asked. “Ky’s like ice.”

Ash turned. “This way.”

Bran caught her hand. “Let’s fetch them. You can scent which packs we should open.”

Jay reached for the twin bond. Ky wandered in a nightmare of being lost in the dark. He sent her images of the bright meadow. Slowly, her dreams changed and she slipped into normal sleep patterns.

Bran turned. “We’ll need a fire. Sure wish Ky could start one.”

“There should be a starter in one of the packs,” Ash said. “Jay, fill our water flasks.”

Though he didn’t want to leave Ky, he rose and carried the four flasks to the pool. Then he gathered wood. Once Bran and Ash returned with two packs, one containing a fire started, Bran set the wood ablaze.

Bran heated water in a pan. He poured it into the scrying cup and mixed an assortment of herbs in the water. “Ash, let me try this on your hand.”

The mark on the back of her hand had remained scarlet and hadn’t shrunk. Bran applied some of the solution.

“Hey, it’s gone,” Jay said. “Will it work like that for Ky?”

“Hope so, but hers is larger and I think deeper.”

Jay unwound the cloth. Bran dipped it in the solution and wrapped the bandage 


  1. I love this, the details pull me into their world/their reality.

  2. I agree with Adriana. Very nice details. I love this paragraph: Ky wandered in a nightmare of being lost in the dark. He sent her images of the bright meadow. Slowly, her dreams changed and she slipped into normal sleep patterns.

  3. The details draw you into the story. I love being part of the book that I am reading. So what will happen next? Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great descriptions! I feel like I'm there.
