Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Meet One with a Fire Affinity #MFRWHooks #BWLAuthor #fantasy #earth #air #water #fire


Join the authors at MFRWHooks here  for some great excerpts Mine is found at Meet One with a Fire Affinity from Escape


Two sets of halfling twins, Ashlea, Brandien, Jaydren and Kylandra sent away from their home by their parents to protect them from trouble, search for mentors to teach them how to use their affinities.

During the escape, they face many problems forcing them to use their affinities by trial and error. They also meet Alizand, the son of the ruling prince of Wesren. Zand has an affinity for Fire and this will keep him from gaining the rule.

Dom Senet, an advisor to his father, and once a friend of the quartet’s parents suspects Zand’s affinity. He wishes to corrupt the teen and use him to gain control of the four princedoms of the land and of the highlands. The evil dom has all four affinities. The four must reach a secret place and find teachers before the evil man discovers them


“How can we pass it?” Ash said.

Ky rose. “This task is mine.” “I could move the rocks,” Jay said. “But that would take a long time. I’m just learning.”


“How?” Bran asked.

“With fire.”

Ash shook her head. “Fire did destroy some of the fibers, but look what happened to me.”

“I’ll use the flame sword. That’s different than a torch.” She handed her cloak to Bran and unsheathed the sword. As she thought about sending fire through the blade, she hoped she could master the flame. The only time she’d used the lessons her parents had given her had been when she’d set her fear, anger and grief free. “Fire can help and fire can harm.” The web was a thing of evil. Could she call forth anger without triggering other emotions?

Jay touched her arm. “Will the twin bond help?”

She shook her head. “Don’t think so, and you’d better all stay here. I don’t want to burn anyone by mistake.”

“Be careful,” Ash said.

Ky walked around the bend and for the second time confronted the web. She jammed the torch in a crack in the rocks and studied the intricate pattern. She wished she’d asked Bran and Ash if a living creature had spun the web and if it lingered. She had no desire to face something from a bad dream.

Ash had tried to burn away the strands that clung to the rocks and had been burned. The center, Ky thought. That’s where she’d start.

She raised the sword and called fire. Tiny flames danced along the blade. She drove them together until a line of fire extended from the sword’s tip. As she glided toward the web, the strands seemed to quiver. Was the web a living thing? If so, ‘twas evil.

The tongue of flame touched the circle in the center of the weaving. A puff of dark smoke stained the air. Then with a rapidity she could scarcely believe, the center blackened. The darkness spread along the web lines. The smoke grew heavier, billowed and flowed toward her. She coughed. Her eyes watered and the sword wavered.

Back, she thought. The smoke stole the air she needed to breathe. Help!

A gust of wind came from behind her. The smoke cleared. Ash, thanks, she thought.

The fire had gutted a large part of the web. A few strands still formed a barrier near the ground. Though exhaustion threatened to swamp her, she gathered the flames and moved to clear the rest away.

The flame touched the red line. One end of it whipped toward her. The end touched and wound around her wrist. Ky screamed. The flame from the sword moved in a blinding pattern of light.

An exquisite pain shot from her wrist to her shoulder. The sword fell from her hand. Ky felt dizzy and she wanted to lose the contents of her stomach. Blackness engulfed her.


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