Monday, February 20, 2023

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #reading #Writing #Thoughts

 Meander 1 - Reading - Stepped away from Anne Perry's Monk to read two suspense featuring an unique FBI Agent and a small town Chief of Police. Interesting and tense times in both books with hero being kidnapped in one and rescued by an orphan boy. Second finds one of Mercy's colleagues being shor and then her niece. Learned a bit about preppers and also of those who swear no fidelity to the US. Interesting. Now it's back to Monk,

Meander 2 _Thoughts - These days most of my thoughts have been on my body that seems to be inrebellion. At least the breathing problems seem less and the edema, also. Had an echocardiogram and found this an interesting process but also boring since all one did was lae down and breathe. Hope the tests will show something wonderful.

Meander 3 - Writing - Must finish typing Chapter 1 for then I can progress to other chapters and begin writing again. Working on that.

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