Monday, February 6, 2023

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Reading #Writing #Thoughts

 Meander 1 - Reading - Read the first four of Anne Perry's Monk series again and enjoyed the revisits to the characters. Also read two books from BWL  Rebel Heart by Dani Petrone - A good first book but perhaps some editing to rid the stories of the repeats. Also All Furs and Feathers by Eileen O Finlan - an interesting fantasy with cats personified. An interesting almost mythlike story with a hope for peace between the animals.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - I wish I could gain the courage to write a letter to the representative to Congress from this area. I did not vote for him but there are at least three areas where I would like to see things change in his thinking. The first is how he wants to gain for married people a double dip on deducting on their taxes for money we have to pay here. While I think this could be fair, I also think it's not. What about senior citizens who have ownend their houre for fifty eyars and who have paid taxes all that time and have a decent income. What about single parents who have managed to hold onto their house. I think increasing the amount to be deducted for state taxes paid should be increased for all.

The second is the republican's idea of no abortions for any reason. Not many people can remember or were nurses during the fifties when abortions were illegal. I took care of women who had botched abortions and who came to the hospital ill and dying. I will never forget the smell and how I wish I could  have bottled it so I could wave it in front of these people who are so rigid and unforgiving. Maybe losing their meals a few times would give them thought. What they don't understand is that a woman's body is hers. Ir does not belong to politicians.

The third is this George Santos affair - When I go to vote in the next election, in myhead will be these words - The Republicans do not care that there is a liar and perhaps a thief in their midst as long as he belongs to their party and wears a weapon pin on his chest. I truly believe there should be an intervention by those who were elected by the people to make sure this man leaves the congress. I hope the remainder of the voters in this state will remember who loves liars and con men to represent them.

Meander 3 - Writing - Am finally moving ahead with Home Caring. and will continut to push for getting the rough draft down.

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