Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday Sloan McBride is Visiting and Talking about Who She Was Before #MFRWAuthor #law firm #office manager #paranormal romance #Suspense #urban fantasy

 1. What were you before you became an author? Did this influence your choices as a writer?    I've worked for bankers, doctors and lawyers.  I still work for a law firm during the day.  I am assistant to the Majority Owner and Accounting/Billing Coordinator, and Office Manager.  None of these really influenced my choice as a writer.  These jobs were/are do what you have to do so you can do what you want to do.   I've always been a writer since I was very young.  It's in my DNA.

2. Are you genre specific or general? I don’t mean major genres but subdivisions or romance, mystery or paranormal.  I write paranormal romance, romantic suspense and urban fantasy
3. What is your latest release?  The last release was "Highland Soul" in 2021.  It is Book 2 in The Talisman Trilogy.
4. What are you working on now?  Right now I'm working on "The Tempest" which is Book 3 in my Time Walker Series.
5. Does your reading choices influence your choice of a writing career?   I had gotten out of reading for a few years raising kids and working.  A friend of mine gave me a bag of books so I could start reading again years ago, and the more I read the more I decided that I needed to start writing again too.  I'd kind of lost my muse there for a few years after I got married because that's where my focus went.  I have always been interested in the paranormal, even when I was very young.  Reading the new genres they have out today definitely helps with the creative muse.
6. Where can we find you?  My websiteInstagramFacebookBookBub

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