Friday, November 25, 2022

Friday Janet Lane Walters is talking about Who She Was Before #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Writing #nurse

Day 1

1. What were you before you became an author? Did this influence your choices as a writer? Since I haven't done whis for ages, I decided to do this again. Before I became a writer, I was a nurse. Though a bit of writing was used, this for case studies. I was chastened by my instructors about putting too much in. This isn't a story. This is a case study. I really began writing when living in Texax and taking a writer's course through the mail. I had some success with short stories and sent a short story to a mystery magazine. This was rejected byt the ediror said "Thi sounds like the synopsis of  a novel." Then I was off and running to learn how to craft a novel. A lot of writing and rejections with bits of advice from editors and I finally sold my first novel, a nurse romance. This was in 1980 and a few years after my first short story was published. After selling four novels, I became the mother  of two boys born almost two years apart. Motherhood and all that took me away from writing. Then I went to college, first for a BA in English and a BS in Nursing. Finally after retiring from working as a nurse, I began writing again and had much to learn about the field again. In 1992, I finally had a book published. Then in 1997 I discovered electronic publishing and I was off and running.


2. Are you genre specific or general? I don’t mean major genres but subdivisions or romance, mystery or paranormal. I call myself the eclectic writer since I write romances, both sweet and spicy, paranormals, mystery, suspense, fantasy non-fiction. I don't write science fiction though I love reading those books or horror books I do now read of like.


3. What is your latest release? Coming in December is Seppal book five of a fantasy series. The book published before that was Committee of Angels a medical romantic suspense.


4. What are you working on now? I have begun plotting Seppal, thelast book in the Moon Rising Series.


5. Does your reading choices influence your choice of a writing career? I've been readins isnce I was three eyars ole. My grandfather taught me from the day I was born by reading to me and running a finger beneath the words. I read almost everything and enjoy most books i read.


6. Where can we find you?


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