Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Tuesday's Writer's Tip - Try for Casual #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Writer's tip #casual

Try for casual doesn't meat just to toss something into your story. What you need to think about is strategy. What you put in the first few scenes if it's an impliment like a gun, a car or some other object, make sure this is shown in the end. This brings a reader's attention. I remember reading a friend's book and she made a mention from an older woman to the heroine that though vaguely said made me wonder what this comment meant. I finished the book and was still in the air about that comment. I mentioned this to my friend and she looked startled. She realized this casual mention needed to be explained and shown. When her rights were released on the book and she went to another publisher, she made sure to bring that casual remerk to have meaning.

Don't distract the reader iwth asides. This dilutes the impact of the story. That's what my friend did when she didn't bring the casual comment to have meaning in the end of the story. So make those casual remarks or props have a meaning to the end of the story. 

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