Monday, September 26, 2022

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #reading #writing #thoughts

 Meander 1 Reading - Back to reading Jo Beverley's Regency series and am enjoying meeting old friends again. Though set in the same world the books aren't copies of each other but each is unique. I like that.

Meander 2 Thoughts - There's a movement going on to ban books and I find that distasteful. Where would we be if there wasn't reading and writing of books. I've been  a reader since the age of three. Fortunately I was born to parents who never tried to censer my reading. This came to a head when in third grade, I wrote a book report on Anna Karenina and the teacher flippedout. My father said if I could read the words and understand what I was reading, I could read what I wanted. I was really upset when I learned they were banning Toni Morrison - a Nobelist and winer of amny awards. Why? I have no problem with parents who don't want their children to read certain books. Though I feel they are foolish, this is their right. But that's no reason to remove the books from the library. Doing banning also means we want the world to have ignorant people. Reading gives a view of other world and cultures. So if you're one of the book banning people keep your hands off the library. Forbid your children from reading the books you want them not to read and let those who enjoy exploring different worlds alone.

Meander 3 Writing - Am coming to the end of the massive rewrites on my current WIP. Then it will be onto the revision and checking up what I've written to make sure it makes sense. November moves ever closer.

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