Friday, April 29, 2022

Coming Soon Committee of Angels to be released in May #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Romantic suspense #hospital #nurses #doctors

This book has taken over twenty years to write. Once, a publisher put out a call for manuscripts and I sent a query. They wanted a detailed synopisi and three chapters. I sent this off and waited. A rejection came with a lot of nice comments about the writing but they hated that one of the nurses in the story was a "slut." I wrote a bit more and talked about the idea at the hospital where I worked. Everyone knew I wrote stories and had managed to publish a few. The nurses were enthralled by the idea but several doctors overheard us discussing the idea and they were not happy. Then my critique group was of two minds about the story so I put it aside and went on to write other stories.

     One day, I was looking through my file cabinet for another story I had begun and put aside and found the partial for this story. As I read, I liked what I read and I set out to write it as medical suspense. Suddenly in the middle of a draft, I hit a snag and the story took a twist. After pondering this for days, I decided to begin again, using much of what was initially written but changing it to a sort of romantic suspense. Hopefully I've done what I intended.

     Here's the Blurb;

The article passed around the table on a hot August night. “Five to ten percent of the nation’s doctors are so impaired or incompetent they cannot or should not practice medicine.” The nurses at Bradley Memorial thought they had them all. That night they formed a group they called The Committee of Angels.

Nearly a year has passed and Laura Bancroft wonders why little has been done to change things. She also wonders about some of the nurses fitting the pattern. Laura has three doctors on her list of incompetents. She seldom meets with the other members and several of the others are upset with her. When her ex-husband joins the medical staff, she realizes she still has feelings for him. One of her list of doctors dies after emergency surgery and Laura finds her suspected since she was assigned to the doctor. She must deal with suspicions, her feelings for her ex. Then a second on her list commits suicide and speaks of blackmail.


Can Laura learn the truth of who is responsible before she faces arrest?

My Places



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