Friday, February 11, 2022

Friday - Hether Andrews is Visiting and Talking about Who She Was Before #MFRWAuthor #journalist #psychology #Contemporary romance #rock star


1. What were you before you became an author? Did this influence your choices as a writer?

I’ve gone through several career phases in my life, but I always knew I wanted to write. I knew it like I knew I had brown hair. It just was. In college, I spent time as a journalist before becoming interested in psychology; this led me to graduate school in social psychology where I got my MA before the 2008 recession. The economic downturn led me toward sales. I can’t say I’ve done it all, but I’ve met a lot of different people.

The primary influence these careers had on me was they solidified my desire to write. Every time I tried something new, it became more and more clear that I wasn’t where I was supposed to be.


2. Are you genre specific or general? I don’t mean major genres but subdivisions or romance, mystery or paranormal.

I write contemporary romance. My first book, Scarred Melody, is a Rockstar Romance. The next few books I have planned out are rock star themed. However, I am planning a sci-fi romance in the middle of this year and several anthologies.


3. What is your latest release?

Scarred Melody, the first novel in my Bold Melodies series, released January 15th. Christmas Melody, a novella in the Bold Melodies series, will release February 20th. Both are in the Rockstar Romance sub-genre and set in the same world.


4. What are you working on now?

Right now, I’m working on a short story for a post-apocalyptic romance anthology, Until the End, set to release on May 16th. It’s not my typical genre, so it’s been super fun. Most of the population has died from an alien virus. My hero has to rescue the heroine from a group of religious fanatics who want to sacrifice her to the gods. It’s pretty intense.


5. Do your reading choices influence your choice of a writing career?

I read a LOT of contemporary. The rock star romances I’ve read led me to the sub-genre and definitely influenced the choices I made as far as what to write. However, I find I need a break from it all. Historical is a sub-genre I don’t think I’d ever aspire to, but I love regency. Stuffy men wearing waistcoats and cravats getting all lovey then down and dirty? Super fun.


6. Where can we find you?

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