Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Wednesday Incal #MFRWHooks #BWLAuthor #Fantasy #Swords #Sorcery


Join the authors at #MFRWHooks here for some great excerpts. Mineis found @ and is the fourthbook of the Moon Rising series.


Return to the world where Midra and Midran rule. The god and goddess have two faces. Midra is Mistress of the Moon and also Mistress of the Dark Moon. Midran is Lord of lLght and Lord of shadows.

In Incal, the priests of Midran have formed three branches. The Voice of Midran in Incal rules over the mall. In the archived he has read of a tale predicting Three will come to return Midra to the rulership. He sends his acknowledged son to find the three and bring them to him.

Many years ago triplet girls were born in a remote mountain town. When they were five, their dying mother sent them to be fostered by three different women. Though they had wed to find each other, their developing talents caused them to forget until twenty ears later each one of them felt the need to find her sisters.

Would the Voice of Midran in Incal learn where they were?


The marble figure of the goddess bathed by moonlight appeared to beckon a welcome. The air smelled of spring. Always did no matter the season. Coya walked until she reached a patch of earth before the statue.

“Midra, Mistress of the Moon, I humbly beseech you for a boon. Guide my thoughts as I seek to raise a sword from the hidden ores. Help me find the ones I must fuse together. I will bear the weapon in your name and to your honor.”

She knelt. Her knees touched the dirt. Moonlight formed a circle around her. She pressed her hands against the ground. With her eyes closed she delved with a piercing sight and sought the ores she needed.

Iron, moly, tungsten, platinum and a touch of copper and silver. Then she gathered carbon to bring the heat. She drew the ores together and set the carbon on fire. The ores became a molten liquid deep in the earth. She formed the blade. She drew the edges to sharpness. Done. She inhaled deeply. She couldn’t relax yet.

Her hands pressed the ground and slowly she pulled the finished weapon through the layers of the earth. As the sword rose the metal finally cooled. The silver colored sword lay on the ground. Holding her creation high she rose and saluted Midra. With the edge she cut her palm and smeared blood on the blade. “I name you Hope and pray I’ll use you to build a better future for the people of Incal.”

The cut on her hand ceased bleeding. The slash mark changed from a ragged red line into a silvery one. With dancing steps Coya shouted her joyous thanks to Midra. She strode from the grove toward the caves. Elation slowly faded to be replaced by exhaustion and hunger. Her gut growled.


My Places



Buy Mark


  1. Amazing scene. The visuals were great.

  2. I commented before that I can't easily tweet from your blog and you said something about you didn't know how to set it up. It is easy - but - there is a problem with your URL -
    Note - between the www and the eclecticwriter - there should be a dot


    How to fix that I am not exactly sure. Maybe somebody at MFRW can help.

  3. Actually when I got the blog in 2010 oe before that is what they gave me. Putting the dot in takes you to a totally different blog

  4. Your post has been shared on both Author Lynn Chantale and Author Laura Tolomei's Facebook and Twitter accounts. As well as, #PMInc's Facebook Page: Excerpts & Promotions, Twitter: PMnP and my author page.


  5. Enjoyed your blurb and scene. Quite descriptive. Thanks for sharing!
