Friday, November 19, 2021

Friday Ruth Casey is Visiting @ #MFRWAuthor #Panster #Plotter #Writing

 Panster or Plotter


Day 1


1.       Are you a panster or a plotter or perhaps a bit of both?

I proudly consider myself a plotser. I outline my story and the pages are challenging. You’ll find bullet points, scene descriptions, even dialogue. I can have 10,000 words in an outline for a 50,000 word story. But once I start writing, the story takes off. I clearly remember when I was writing my first story. I was three-quarters of the way through it when brother and sister supporting characters ‘told’ me they were twins. What a great opportunity. I had to go back and do some rewriting.


2.       Which comes first - characters or plot for you?

I knew my new story The Lady and Her Quill would be about a women author in Regency England. Knowing the era and the thoughts about women, I had a good idea about the conflict my main character would face internally and externally. So for me, it is a combination of plot and character.


3.       What are you working on now? Is this a book in a current series or something totally new?

I am currently working on the second book, The Lady and the Spy, in my new Regency series, The Ladies of Sommer-by-the-Sea. Each book in this series is about one of the graduates of the Sommer-by-the-Sea Female Seminary. Each lady drives to break from the constraints of the era and strives for independence and self-expression. Mrs. Bainbridge, the head mistress encourages her students best skills and teaches them, the author, the doctor, the business woman how to succeed within their societal confines.


4.       Do you have some kind of object or place that figures in most of your books? I use gems a lot, hospitals and caves.

This is a great question. Each book has a piece of jewelry that is important to the story. In book one, The Lady and Her Quill, it’s an amber pendant the heroine wears and is a worry stone. In The Lady and the Spy, it is a diamond and ruby pin that plays an essential part to finding the secret code. In The Lady and the Duke, it is a locket.


5.       Do you write every day or just when the spirit hits?

I write every day, early in the morning. To me, 8:00am is early). About lunchtime I do email and marketing. Sometimes I spend time with the grandchildren. (I have four) Then back to writing before dinner. When I’m on a deadline, I will also write after dinner, but I try to relax and read or else I’m taking fight scenes to sleep with me.


6.       Where can we find you?

You can find me at my website where you can sign up for my newsletter


Facebook private reader’s page, Casie Café:

Facebook Author Page:






7.       Who are your favorite authors? What about a book you’ve enjoyed?

At the moment, I am knee-deep in Regency research. The book next to me is… Regency Slang Revealed. When I’m not doing research I enjoy Elizabeth Peters, Phillipa Gregory, Tasha Alexander, Kathryn LeVeque, Eliza Knight, and (wait for it) Michael Crichton and Tom Clancy

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