Friday, October 1, 2021

Friday Sara Stewart is Visiting and Talking About Who She Was Before #MFRWAuthor #Writer #Travel #Romance

 1. What were you before you became an author? I've always been a writer. I started my first novel at 12, however, like many beginnings I never completed them. For the past twenty-one years, I've worked in the business travel industry in various capacities. I've always worked for the same fortune 100 company and have acted as a client manager, a people leader, a consultant, and led sales enablement training. I'm still employed full-time with my company. Did this influence your choices as a writer? Not at all.

2. Are you genre specific or general? I write erotic romance only, predominantly BDSM and billionaire romance. I don’t mean major genres but subdivisions or romance, mystery or paranormal.
3. What is your latest release? On or around August 30th I will publish book 3 in my Portland Lovers Series, Bound by Pride
4. What are you working on now? Book 4 in my series, I'm about halfway done and it will be hot!
5. Does your reading choices influence your choice of a writing career? Yes. I love women's fiction and have a degree in English Literature. I have studied the origins of the romance novel and since I was young my reading choices have all slanted towards romance. As a teen in the summer after work, I'd read a Harlequin Romance a night. However, I didn't decide to start writing again until I found some of my new favorite authors who are self-published. The ability to break out of the mold of traditional publishing and own my characters fully pushed me to write again. I've been wanting complex and strong female leads in romance for a while and just not finding that in traditional publishing. 

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