Friday, September 17, 2021

Friday's Guest Malverna McFarlane is Visiting and Talking about Who She Was Before #MFRWAuthor #Credit risk #romance #interracial mafia romance


1. What were you before you became an author? Did this influence your choices as a writer?

Before deciding to write, I worked as a credit risk strategist. My responsibilities drained me of all my creative energy, but circumstances pushed me into uncertain waters. I had worked in Corporate America since college, always moving from one position to another without ever thinking about what would make me happy. So when I was forced to either continue on that path or do what gave me joy, I chose to pursue joy. To some extent, what I write now was influenced by what I used to do in that it is the complete opposite. Whereas I shied away from risky things in my professional life, everything I do as a writer is risky. From the sub-genre, word choice, character, plot, setting and more, every choice I make is a gamble in the hopes it resonates with readers.


2. Are you genre specific or general? I don’t mean major genres but subdivisions or romance, mystery or paranormal.

I am genre specific right now. Specifically, I write interracial mafia romance. That may change if my readers want to see me expand out. With one book published, there is still a lot to explore in this genre, so it may take some time before I become a generalist.


3. What is your latest release?

My debut novel, Inescapable (Oliveri Mafia Book One), was released in July


4. What are you working on now?

I am working on the second and third book in the series now. They are at differing stages of development, but I hope to get a draft to my publisher by the end of the year.


5. Does your reading choices influence your choice of a writing career?

Absolutely. I read a lot of romance, though my specific sub-genre is only a small part of what I read. I go on spurts where I will read a ton of books with a specific sub-genre or trope before I revisit or discover new-to-me authors and books. I love to see how different authors resolve conflicts and what aspects of the characters resonate with me.


6. Where can we find you?

I am on AmazonGoodreadsBookBubTwitterFacebook, my website and Instagram. For one stop shopping, go to:

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