Friday, May 7, 2021

Friday Seelie Kay is Visiting and Talking about Genres #MFRWAuthor #Genres #Heroes #Heroines #Villains #Romance


Day 1 Genres


1. Do you write a single genre or do your fingers flow over the keys creating tales in many forms?


While all of my books are romance, I am not married to a particular sub-genre. I decide that after the book has been drafted. I never know what direction my writing will take, so I just let the words flow until I get to the end of the story.


Does your reading choices reflect your writing choices?


I have always been a fan of romance, in particular, the happy ending. I am also big fan of crime fiction and mysteries. So I guess writing romantic suspense just flows naturally.


Are there genres you wouldn’t attempt?


Although I would love to write a good horror story, I just don’t have the stomach for it. I am one of those people who had nightmares for months after seeing movies like “The Omen” and “Carrie.” So while I would love to write a good slash and burn, killer terrorizing a bedroom community, I now I would never make it to the end.


2. Heroes, Heroines, Villains. Which are your favorite to write?


Heroes and heroines. I enjoy writing about the good in this world. About good people who fight for what is right, who are willing to put their lives on the line to save others. Yes, mostly I write about lawyers, because I was one. But I went to law school because I believe in truth justice and the American way. My lead characters have the same attitude.


3. Heroes. How do you find them? Do pictures, real life or plain imagination create the man you want every reader to love? Do they come before the plot or after you have the idea for the story?


I create heroes I admire. I don’t have to love them, but I do want to respect them. And I think readers do, too. Someone once told me that I should create heroes I would like to break bread with, because those are the characters people will love. So even they may have flaws, I mostly try to follow that advice. I write about lawyers, and I have met hundreds in all walks of life, from ambulance chasers to flashy mass tort lawyers, as well a Supreme Court justices and prominent law professors. Each had a characteristic, flaw, or habit that I retained in my subconscious and when the situation calls for it, I pull from that memory pool to build my heroes.


4. Heroines. How do you find them? Do pictures, real life or imagination create the woman you want the reader to root for? Do they appear before the plot or after you have the idea for the story?


I create heroines in the same way, but all of my heroines are who are strong women and effective communicators. Women who know when to fight and when to achieve their goals in other ways. They are smart, sassy, and sexy. They understand that relationships take work and do not allow themselves to be distracted by small stuff. If the doubt their partner or their partner does something that hurts, they speak up. They fight for what’s important to them. They do not merely slink away.


5. Villains or villainesses or an antagonist, since they don’t always have to be the bad guy or girl. They can be a person opposed to the hero’s or heroine’s obtaining their goal. How do you choose one? How do you make them human?


Sometimes, the line between hero/heroine and villain/villainess is blurred. It is also situational. For example, in my newest series, “Royals Gone Rogue,” the lead character is a flawed MI6 agent who has unintentionally messed up several of the missions of American intelligence agents. In one instance, her antics resulted in great physical and psychological harm to another female agent. She avoided termination by agreeing to serve as the Yank’s “grunt” in certain cases. In the Feisty Lawyers series, she was the antagonist because of her competitiveness and interference. In the new series, she has moved from villainess to heroine. She was redeemable. However, some of my villains are just plain bad. Slave traffickers, cult leaders, terrorists. They can’t be redeemed, no matter the circumstances, because they have proven they cannot be trusted.


6. What is your latest release? Who is the hero, heroine and or the villain?


As I mentioned, my latest release, “Bovine Tricks,” is Book One in my Royals Gone Rogue series. MI6 agent Tillie Spencer is the heroine. At the direction of the Queen, she must rescue or retrieve British royals in unseemly predicaments. However, because she retains the impulsiveness that got her in trouble in the past, her partner and lover must try to keep her on the straight and narrow. In this book, she is in search of a royal believed to have become a Hucow. She is repelled by that fetish and must overcome her distaste to complete her mission.


7. What are you working on now?


I am completing Book 2 in my Donovan Trait series. It’s called, “Ye Gods! The Law is an Ass.” Donovan Trait is lawyer and a vampire who functions in the human world, but remains under the thumb of the Vampire Coalition. In Book 1, he and his lady love, a human, were targeted by a serial killer. In Book 2, they are faced with an unplanned pregnancy that has the Vampire Coalition up in arms. They are on the run and wind up on a mysterious island run by an order of vampire nuns. I am still writing, so I have no idea how this one will turn out!


8. How can people find you?




Twitter: @SeelieKay



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9. Who are your favorite authors?


J.D. Robb, Stuart Woods, Lisa Scottoline

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