Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday Eleanor Webster is Visiting and Talking about Who She was Before #MFRWAuthor #Child psychology #Romance #Swaggering heroes #Regency


1.      What were you before you became an author? Did this influence your choices as a writer?


I have worked in a number of fields but spent most of my career in the K-12 education system. I am currently a school psychologist and worked for years as a school counsellor and special education teacher.


This experience influenced me in several ways. My students inspired me to persist, despite the rejections which so often come to the aspiring author. We ask kids to do hard things every day and I truly felt it was vital that I continue to pursue my own dreams, despite adversity.


I was drawn to romance to escape the mundanities of motherhood and the heart-breaking reality too often involved in school counselling.  Indeed, in those first years, I developed a split personality; educator and romance author. One was steeped in realism and the other swaggering heroes.  In my recent books, this split has diminished and my psychology background has taken a greater role in my writing. My characters have demonstrated the traits of PTSD and autism, although not diagnosed as such.



2. Are you genre specific or general? I don’t mean major genres but subdivisions or romance, mystery or paranormal.


To date, I have only published in Harlequin Historical, my novels set within the regency period. I know I will never write a true mystery, although I enjoy reading them. I find my characters come easily to me but I struggle with plots. While important in any genre, a strong, believable plot is truly vital for any mystery!

I chose Harlequin historical because I love history. My undergraduate degree was in history and I have truly loved immersing myself in these bygone times. I find that the Regency period offers me the opportunity for verbal wit and dialogue which I truly enjoy to both read and create.

However, more recently, I have felt a yen to move into contemporary romance.  My heroines are always strong and independent but their struggle against the constraints of the period feels hard for me as an author and I may move into a period which offers them greater independence and more meaningful choice.


3.      What is your latest release?

My latest release is Caught in a Cornish Scandal.   Desperate to save her sister from a cruel marriage, Millie chooses to smuggle off the Cornish coast. She meets Sam when she rescues him from the sea. Together they struggle to survive and stop the ‘wrecker’ luring ships to flounder against Cornwall’s desolate shore.

4.      What are you working on now?


My next Harlequin will feature a secondary character from Caught in a Cornish Scandal. Currently, it is not yet in its infancy, as I felt the need to pause and regain my inspiration. I am also a middle-grade author and am currently working on a book featuring an individual with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder. It is a sequel to an earlier publication whose protagonist was under the Autism Spectrum.


5. Does your reading choices influence your choice of a writing career?


 True confessions – I truly, truly admire fiction writers who tackle heart break and despair but I find myself reluctant to go there either in my writing or my reading. I tend to tackle the tough topics through non-fiction and research while using writing and reading as a form of escape. My childhood was enriched with the classics; Jane Austen, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Dickens combined with a smattering of Mary Stewart, Dorothy L. Sayers and Georgette Heyer. I am always on the look-out for wit and whimsey. I enjoy language and dialogue.


6. Where can we find you?


I love hearing from readers. Please check out my website at and my Facebook page at eleanorwebsterauthor


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