Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday Alice Renaud is Visiting and Talking about Panster or Plotter #MFRWAuthor #Panster #Plotter #Characters #Paranormal romance


1.      Are you a panster or a plotter or perhaps a bit of both?


Very much a bit of both! I start off with the best plotting intentions, but then discover that my lovingly crafted plot does not work as well on the page as it did in my head. Or my characters decide to do something different from what I had planned.


2.      Which comes first - characters or plot for you?


The characters come first. Before I start writing a book I do a detailed outline for my hero and heroine, with their physical appearance, personality, goals and desires, habits, tastes, etc. Then I imagine them interacting. Only then do I start to write the plot, usually a chapter by chapter outline (just a few lines per chapter).


3.      What are you working on now? Is this a book in a current series or something totally new?


I have just finished writing a new book, How to Win a Sea Witch, it will be the first book in a new series, “Conjuring Love”, about time travelling witches and warlocks. I am now drafting the outline for the characters in the second book in the Conjuring Love series, “Dangerous Blessings.”


4.      Do you have some kind of object or place that figures in most of your books? I use gems a lot, hospitals and caves.


Water plays a big part in all of my books. They are all set near the sea, or a big river. My series Sea of Love, which won its category in the Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer’s Choice Award 2020, follows the lives and loves of three shape shifting merfolk. The colours blue and green also feature a lot. For example the third book in my Sea of Love series is called Mermaids Marry in Green, and my sci-fi romance story “Space Cowboy Blues” in the BVS anthology “Cowboy Desire” is about a cowboy who travels to another planet, where everything is blue and lethal to humans… including the beautiful alien he falls in love with!


5.      Do you write everyday or just when the spirit hits?


I have a family and a full time job, so I write mostly at the week end and during my holidays. I don’t wait for inspiration to strike – if I have time to write, I write.


6.      Where can we find you?






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7.      Who are your favorite authors? What about a book you’ve enjoyed?


I love fantasy, and have recently finished Robin Hobb’s Realm of the Elderlings series. She’s an author I admire greatly. I’m now reading A Court of Wings and Ruins by Sarah J. Maas and enjoying it very much.



  1. Thank you for hosting me today Janet!

  2. Great blog.
    I loved the Sea of Love series. I'm so excited to hear that you have begun the Conjuring Love series. I hope you put my favorite warlock from the Sea of Love in it and you have found a way for Jonty's mentor to find true love too.

  3. Hi Alice, wonderful blog post, I have been a great fan of this series of stories. I can't wait to see what you are coming up with next. thank you Janet for hosting this blog.


  4. Hi Alice: Love your writing! Your stories are magical and fun to read!

  5. The Sea Of Love series was great! I’m sure the Conjuring Love series will be just as good. Can’t wait to read your story in the Cowboy Desire Anthology!

  6. Alice this is a great interview. You write about magical places and people. I look forward to the Conjuring Love.

  7. Thank you Callie Ric Eileen Suzanne and Carol!
