Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Tuesday's Writer's Tip Openings Scene or not #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Openings #Scenes?

 The easiest way to start your story is with a scene for a scene does several things. A scene shows a character or character, establishes the setting and hints to what the story is about. There are other ways to start a story but they are harder. A telling bit of scenery or the weather, a bit of philosophy or some other opening. Why are these hard?

Scenes produce action and other kinds of openings are stagnant but can be effective but they must be telling. Think of the weather. Starting a story with the description of a snowstory or heavy fog and rainfall can be effective if they're used for the dramatic effect. Difficult, yes but it's something to think about when opening your story. Just remember a scene is always effective.

I've been thinking if i use other than scenes to start a story. I don't think I do but I have a lot of books out there and I can't remember the openings to any of them. I think what I try to do is blend both together, using a character in a scene that also gives some hint to something more.

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