Friday, February 12, 2021

Friday Susan Royal is Visiting and Talking About Who She Was Before #MFRWAuthor #Time travel #fantasy #Paranormal #Texas


1.      What were you before you became an author? Did this influence your choices as a writer?

I can never remember not wanting to tell stories. I wrote my first book when I was somewhere around eight years old. On notebook paper, bound with a red ribbon. I still have it. So, I guess I was a writer first, and then I went on to other things. Most of the jobs I had involved writing. (The ones that lasted longer than six months anyway) And the one I liked the best and stayed with the longest was in education. I was a secretary. It involved a lot of writing. I wrote correspondence, handled the district’s newsletter, and proofread emails, letters, handbooks. Things like that.

2.      Are you genre specific or general? I write time travel, fantasy, and paranormal. All with liberal doses of romance. My latest effort is a series of novellas about a paranormal detective named Jax Charles. So, I guess you can say I’m venturing into mysteries as well. I love to write about ordinary people and how they react to extraordinary circumstances.


3.      What is your latest release? I’ve published my first novella, Jax Charles: Private Investigator, All things Paranormal, a month or two ago. It started as a short story submission to a contest. The publisher included it in an anthology he published. When my contract expired, and I got the rights back, I got the idea to expand it and create a whole series about Jax Charles, a quirky young man who has opened a detective agency in a haunted building in downtown Austin, Texas. One that handles paranormal cases.


4.      What are you working on now? The Hunter’s Moon, my second novella in the Jax Charles series, is nearly done. It should be out sometime this spring.


5.      Did your reading choices influence your choice of a writing career?


Absolutely. I still remember the first time travel book I ever read. Three Hearts and Three Lions by Poul Anderson. I have a worn paperback copy from the 60s. I was a teenager when I read it. I was hooked by the end of the first chapter when the old crone speaks to the main character in a language he’s never heard, and he not only understands what she says but answers her. I grew up reading the likes of Ray Bradbury and Andre Norton. In my twenties, I discovered Mary Stewart and Dean Koontz. I read just about anything, but sci-fi and fantasy have always been my go-to genre


6.      Where can we find you?   

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