Monday, November 2, 2020

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Reading #Thoughts #Writing

 Meander 1 - Reading 0 This week I've read an assortment of books - finished Marilyn Meredith's Tempe series and read several by Dean L. Hovey. His made me laugh, especially the one with the moose and the wedding preparations. Also read one of his more serious mysteries and though much less humorous, the intensity was good for a change of pace. November books from my publisher will be coming out and I will read them. Must do some more reviews. One I'll have a hard time doing since while I don't mind first person, writing in present tense makes me crazy and anything written this I can't read more than a page without wanting to rewrite passages. Makes for slow and slogging reading.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - Tomorrow is Voting and and I hope I'll be able to get there soon after the polls open. Hopefully the vote will be done at the usual place and I'll find parking and won't have to wait in line for long. This vote is very important to my well-being and to that of my family. If the same party remains in control of the White House and Senate, my grandchildren will be in danger and so will I and my Social Security and health care. That is my opinion. With some people deciding to do awful things to mail-in ballots, I decided no matter what, I will vote on Election Day. I don't trust the SC or WH presently in office.

Meander 3 - I have started book seven in the Moon Child series. Hopefully it will go well and finish rather rapidly. Less that six months would be great giving me plenty of time for the enxt in the Moon Rising series. One will see as the time progresses.

1 comment:

  1. I am middle-aged, disabled, and tremendously worried about what will happen with medicare, Medicaid, and social security if the Overcured Ham is re-elected. The numbers are giving me fits right now!
    ~Cie from Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost~
