Friday, October 2, 2020

Friday Alice Renaud is visiting and Talking about Panster or Plotter #MFRWAuthor #Writing #Panster #Plotter


Panster or Plotter


Day 1


1.      Are you a panster or a plotter or perhaps a bit of both?


I start off as a plotter – I plot the beginning, middle and end, then every chapter. Then I start writing, and then my characters sometimes acquire a life of their own, and decide to do things I hadn’t plotted. I’d say I’m a plotter, but my characters are pantsters.


2.      Which comes first - characters or plot for you?


The characters come first. I usually start with an idea of who the characters are, then the plot derives from them – their history, their strengths and weaknesses, their goals and desires…


3.      What are you working on now? Is this a book in a current series or something totally new?


With my Sea of Love series now complete, I have started work on the first book in my new series, Conjuring Love, which focuses on time-travelling warlocks and witches. The first book, How to Win a Sea-Witch, is based on my short story “The Sweetest Magic of All,” which is published in the paranormal romance anthology by BVS, “Mystic Desire.”


4.      Do you have some kind of object or place that figures in most of your books? I use gems a lot, hospitals and caves.


I love that combination! Water features heavily in my books. The Sea of Love series follows the lives and loves of shape shifting mermen and mermaids. Each book is a standalone story centred on a different couple. The first two books are based in Wales, by and in and on the sea. The third book, Mermaids Marry in Green, is based in London, my city, but the river Thames features heavily.


5.      Do you write every day or just when the spirit hits?


I work full time and have a family, and am often too tired to write in the evening. I aim to write every day at the week end and when on holiday. When it is quieter at work (not the case this year!) I may manage to write a bit in the evening. I write whenever I have the time and energy to write.


6.      Where can we find you?








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