Friday, October 23, 2020

Dee S, Knight is visiting and talking about Plotter or Panster #MFRWAuthor #Panster #Plotter #Virginia, #the Carolinas


Thanks for hosting me today, Janet!

Are you a pantster, plotter, or perhaps a bit of both?
I’m pretty much a pantster. There was a time when I never kept notes at all. I just had everything about the characters and plot in my head (lots of empty space up there, evidently). But in the last few years I’ve started using character sheets—for physical characteristics, goals and background—and now I’ve found photos of the characters I am creating. Just a visual image to help keep me straight. So in that regard, I’ve become more of a plotter.

Which comes first—characters or plot for you?
Plot, I think. I’ve not really thought of the two as separate before. If I have an idea for a plot, I usually envision the character(s) at the same time. But I do lean toward plot as being the bones of the story and the characters as the muscle. They have to fit together in order for the book to work.

What are you working on now? Is this a book in a current series or something totally new?
I’m trying hard to get book 3 of the Good Man series out the door. At the same time, I’m in the middle of a brand new type of book—more erotica than erotic romance—and I’m also editing a book to get it ready for self-publishing. The owner of the first publishing house I worked with passed away last year and I received back rights for ten books. Getting them edited and updated is proving a chore.

Do you have some kind of object or place that figures in most of your books?
I tend to write books set in the south since that’s where I spent most of my life. Virginia or the Carolinas, specifically. It’s a part of the country I love, so it’s easy to go back to it in books. And I almost always put some form of my husband in books. He’s not always a hero, either! It depends on whether I’m aggravated with him at the time of writing. 😉

Do you write every day or just when the spirit moves you?
I should write every day. That I don’t is why I have two books in progress instead of finished, and still five books to republish. Sigh

Where can we find you?








Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas:



  1. Great post Dee! Does your husband know that you have “immortalized” him? Lol. Love your Good Man series.

  2. What a hoot that you include your husband in each of your books and not always as the hero depending on how you are feeling about him in that moment.
    I just picked up a paperback copy of your Desire Me Again Anthology. I can't wait to read your story.

  3. I love both Dee and Anne's books! Burning Bridges and One Woman Only are great!

  4. Suzanne, thanks so much. I'm sure at some point I mentioned how much I love hubby that I write him into my books, but I might have "forgotten" to mention that he isn't always the hero. Shhh!

  5. Callie, he's a sweetie. Most of the time, lol. I hope you like my story in Desire Me Again! It's not my usual storyline, so I'm a little nervous.

  6. Alice, thank you so much! I loved your Rowena on holiday!
