Monday, June 15, 2020

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Reading #Thoughts #Writing

Meander 1 - Reading - This week I finished Dean L Hovey's Devil's Fall. Each book in this series gets better and better. Also read the PIck-Up Wife by Lynn Chantale - a nice sensuous romance. Also read Malicious Intent by Elizabeth Dearl - What a great imagination like a bit of Poe and a bit of Saki but all her own. This is a collection of short stories.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - The Covid epidemic is still going strong and the protests continue. Black Lives Do Matter, especially since four of my grandchildren are. Why are some people so dense. The murder of George Floyd is but a symptom of what's happening in the USA. No one seems to really take the epidemic serious. I don't mean no one but some of those in power don't seem to care. Let people die as long as we can go where we want and not wear masks the world is a great place. Hopefully some day this will change.

Meander 3 Writing - I've started the new book called Nilos and have it more than half blocked and a rough draft of the first chapter. I believe there will be thirteen of fourteen when the book is done. Some are longer than others but it's fun to write about a place that doesn't exist.

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