Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tuesday's Writer's Tip Choosing a Genre #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Genres #Romance #Mystery #Fantasy #Science Fiction #Horror

After the ide for a book comes the decision as to what genre you want to choose. There are a number of different ones out there. Almost any idea can be twisted to fit into any genre. So look at your idea and decide.

Many writers choose one genre to spend their entire career writing. They may take a little venture into one of the subgenres for a time but the main genre is the one they like to write andmay one they like to read. So let's look at what can happen.

Suppose history is your goal. Historical novels come in many packages. There are the ones that are close to realism. There are ones that choos a particular era like Regency, Georgian and many other. There are historical novels that are mainly romance, or mystery or even have a touch of fantasy.

Romance is another large category. Think of the books you've read that are listed as romance. There can be touches of history, ystery and all of the other categories.

The same applies to Mystery, Think of the different ones you've read and see where they fit. Thereare those with a touchof paranormal, or romance or many things.

So when you look at your idea, look at the genre and decide which category and which sub-category you've chosen to write. Maybe even look at how it could fit into one of the other categories. Choosing a genre can be an adventure abd take you on a new path.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of good points. Thank you for posting this infromation.

    I have a book I'm working on now and I'm still not sure how to categorize it. Paranormal (psychic), post-apocalyptic, romance or all of the above?
