Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday's Visitor is Amber Daulton - She's Talking About Who She Was Before #MFRWAuthor #Romance #Suspense #Deerbourne #Vermont

1.        What were you in life before you became a writer? Did this influence your choices as a writer?

I’ve always been a writer, ever since I read my first romance book at age 12. Sure, I’ve worked retail and in the restaurant industry for a while, but that was to pay the bills.

2.        Are you genre specific or general?

I write only romance, but the sub-genres vary (romantic-suspense, contemporary, western, historical, and time-travel). My stories range from sweet and clean to spicy and dirty, New Adult and Adult.

3.        What is your latest release?

Lyrical Embrace, book four in the Deerbourne Inn series, came out in February 2019. It’s a spicy romantic-suspense novella set in Vermont.

4.        What am I working on now?

I’m currently revising Arresting Jeremiah, book two in the Arresting Onyx series. Hopefully, it’ll come out sometime in 2020.

5.        Did your reading influence your choice of a writing career?

I’m not sure. I read all sorts of romance books, but my ideas come from all over the place, like my dreams (I have a very active imagination).

6.        Where can we find you?

My blog, of course! Every book I’ve published can be found there.

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