Monday, September 16, 2019

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Poem #Bell's Palsy #Writing

Meander 1 -- Poem --  A Summer Sunday Spent With Strokes

Seven AM - Already warm
Summer Sunday, different.
Not to church or to the pool
Pat and I the whole large ward.
Beds, baths, feed and help
Heat grows heavy.
Twenty two beds precisely placed
Against the walls. U-shaped mouth
engulfs us for the day.
Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Jones
Who first?
Twenty-two strokes for morning care.
Twenty -two fronts for Pat/
Twenty-two backs for me.
Charity ward where elderly come
No one left to care/
Pat and I cared a lot
But time is heavy - not
beds and baths
Two student nurses
Heat oppressive on a summer Sunday spent with strokes.

Meander 2 - Bells Palsy - Woke up the other day with a horrid pain in my right eye. Wondered why but found no solution. Though eye drops would work but there were none to be found in the house. Went to Costco and bought a lot, came home to put things away. Then at lunch foud I had no ability to suck through a straw. Now I"m really worried so called the doctor. That afternoon, I arrived. I told him I either had conjunctivitis or ahd a mild stroke. He told me to blink my right eye. Couldn't. You have Bell's Palsy caused by a virus. Will improve. Buy lots of liquid tears and when the eye pains use them. I have and it's some better today. Still have problem drinking through a straw on the right but not on the left.

Meander 3 - Writing. Am half way through the plot draft of Lines of Fire challenged. When that is done, and it means putting in all those scenes that are there with a sentence or two. They make love. There is a duel. Probably two weeks to finish this draft. Then three to go.

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