Friday, August 2, 2019

Friday - C. Becker is visiting and talking about Who She Was Before #MFRWAuthor #Romance #Medical suspense

1. What were you in your life before you became a writer? Did this influence your writing? I was a medical technologist before I became a writer. I worked in different hospitals in the lab testing patients’ body fluids. After I started having kids, I switched gears and stayed at home, working at my church and local school teaching/playing music. My past definitely influenced my writing. I began writing about ten years ago and mostly focused on children’s books. I incorporated aspects into the books relating to my children and life. Then I began writing for the adult audience. My first novel is based largely on searching for a rampant new street drug that has killed two dozen teens. The whole concept for the Euphoria series is based on the Amazon plant Bixa aparra and the different chemicals in the plant.

2.     Are you genre specific or general? Why? I don't mean genres like romance, mystery, fantasy etc. There are many subgenres of the above. The Euphoria series is a mixture of romance and medical suspense. I prefer books that have a little romance, science, and mystery.

3. Did your reading choices have anything to do with your choice of a genre or genres? Not necessarily. While I enjoy romance, historical romance and contemporary, I love a good mystery, suspense, historic fiction, science fiction, just about anything that holds my attention.

4. What's your latest release? Finding Euphoria. The book, which was released in March by The Wild Rose Press, is the first in the Euphoria Trilogy.

5. What are you working on now? I’m currently working on Losing Euphoria—Trust No one. The second part in the Euphoria Trilogy.

6. Where can we find you? 
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  1. Great Interview. I read the book and enjoyed it very much

    1. Thank you, Stephen! I’m glad you liked the novel.

  2. I, too, read this book. Loved it!

  3. Enjoyed the interview. I was curious if you had any children's books published. All the best!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Mary. Under my children’s author name I have 7 published children’s books, but I love writing adult stories, too.

  4. Nice post. The book is a must read for anyone who likes a good romantic suspense.

  5. Thanks, Stephen. I’m glad you liked the novel!

  6. Very interesting how your former career planted the seeds of your latest book idea.
